Try to Think About

Every day, no matter morning, noon and night we are always noticed him. No matter how busy we are. do not know what we are doing at that moment in his. And we are always a concern and always protected by Him. But we never thought any of his busy especially at a time when late. Oh god ... GOD Almighty ... forgive your servant who has been negligent in duty, but you always miss your servant, to return prostrate and thy name.

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Share Enchant Yulgang

Make friends - friends who play Yulgang, I'll give a little share about how to reduce failures in enchant and empower Equip .. This I got from my friend and I have practice. Easy - hopefully still able to function.
1. If you want to empow or enchant, your char at least try to never wear an amulet.
2. empow or better enchat done at night or hours where the user id has a lot of logging.
3. empow + 4 should be on the same day, but if you are in doubt should be performed 1 week later, at least .. (if broken, do not bear the risks yes)
4. 4 to empow + +5 easily done with just 10% Lc certainly succeeded. next to +6, can use the amulet. but expensive ...
5. +6 nah so successful, just use the 5% lc at 17:37 o'clock Wednesday. 17:37 uncertain course also sc free-ranging hour .. So much. I've tried many times, in sum 6 of 8 successful.

gan ok good luck,,, or if you want to be safer to use CE, or moonlight moon live scan .. just what has changed as empow successful. use as empow +1 +2, it will work empow tu .. continue to scan =).
"" I only give information "" use this information as possible, I am not responsible for the abuse and the risk of this usage.

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