Try to Think About

Every day, no matter morning, noon and night we are always noticed him. No matter how busy we are. do not know what we are doing at that moment in his. And we are always a concern and always protected by Him. But we never thought any of his busy especially at a time when late. Oh god ... GOD Almighty ... forgive your servant who has been negligent in duty, but you always miss your servant, to return prostrate and thy name.

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Dictionary makes language with C + + builder

Hello friends of all, what is said ni? Hmm .. what else you create bete at home, bored playing poker or facebook and want to do something you've probably never done, or maybe you want to make something useful like a dictionary? Well, now I will give you an answer on how to create a dictionary with C + + Builder. Yes, maybe for some people who have experienced this is something that ordinary (or roughly stale = ( "). But it does not matter to me, because I think there are many people out there who do not know and need this knowledge.
Fine, I'll shorten reading =). Previously, this article I quoted from one of the magazine where I used to be members. I've always learned, and the results fairly. But for now I've never tried it again and could only try to write for other people =).
Initial step to make this dictionary are:
1. run the program C + + builder. Select New, then will appear the image and select Application. Then press OK.
2. On the Form, input components and Button Edit. With the arrangement as follows:
Components ------- ------- ------- -------- -------- Property Value ---------
Form Name Dictionary
Edit Name Indonesia
Text (blank)
Edit Name Home
Text (blank)
Button Name Translate
Caption Translate

3. If the above components have been completed, then the coding is done by clicking twice (2x) component button. Then enter the following code:
void __fastcall TForm1:: Button1Click (TObject * Sender)
if (Indonesia-> Text == "where") bahasa-> Text = "where";
if (Indonesia-> Text == "home") English-> text = "home";
if (Indonesia-> Text == "sedan") bahasa-> Text = "car";
if (Indonesia-> Text == "false") bahasa-> Text = "false";
After that did RUN or by pressing F9.

========================Hopefully Helpful====================

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